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“Three elements to achieve a common human goal are; caring, connection, and cooperation."

My friends at COP27, I will share a secret with you; technology alone will NOT solve humanity's global climate crises!

The climate crises will be solved by determined people who care for each other and agree to fully connect and cooperate to accomplish a goal for the good of all.

Unfortunately, most countries/leaders still think in terms of ME, ME, ME, caring for no one but themselves and their countries. They tell us the story of technologies that will solve all problems.

I wonder if technologies have had more to do with causing or solving global warming.

The EU, the USA, China, Russia, Brazil, Israel, etc., would do better, also in economic terms, when caring more and having greater empathy for others.


COP stands for “Conference of the Parties,” and it deals with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

"A friend asked me, why COP 27? What’s the 27? I explained that after the Cold War, the world seemed to be on the verge of a new era of development & cooperation, where concerns for the environment would play an important role, or so people believed. COP 1 was held in the reunited Germany. COP 2 in Geneva….

My friend replied, ‘You still have hope’ ‘No,’ I said, ‘The time for hope is over. Action is the only way forward'." (Stuart Chambers)

COP managed to connect people but failed to make them genuinely care and effectively cooperate in taking game-changing action.

Hence, my 3Cs do not stand for Convention on Climate Change but Care, Connect, and Cooperate.


The most impactful entrepreneurs are those serving a significant WHY, genuinely caring about what they do, not the money generated from WHAT they do.

Caring is not a weakness; it is a superpower!

Caring enables you to develop super innovative concepts because you are not ready to give up and see the object of your caring suffer or do less good than it could and should.

I began my “caring journey” by caring about farmers, wanting them to do better from an economic point of view. I also care about farmers, consumers, and environmental health. Do you think those are unconnected?

Born and raised as a farmer, I like nothing more than farming.

Caring about those things led me to focus on technology development for the betterment of farmers, consumers, and the environment.

Then I realized that the cornerstones I am missing are Connecting, Cooperating.

So I added those to my way of dealing with change for the betterment of humans.


The above led me to two game-changing global activities: private and public.

Both are related to agriculture, livelihood, health, and the environment. Both are motivated by "Care" and promote “Connecting” and “Cooperation” in the broadest sense.

The fact is that 97% of global farmers are smallholders. Many of them are - poor, with no hope of escaping poverty.

The poverty trap is explained in a previous column, where I refer to it as the Poverty Cycle.

Most farmers are in poverty because they have no access to professional support, technologies, and services to help them increase their YIELD PER HECTARE and the QUALITY OF THE YIELD.

Suffering from low yield and quality leaves those farmers to sell their little low-quality products in the local low-price markets to other poor farmers. This is the Cycle of poverty.

How do we solve smallholders’ multi-layers poverty trap, i.e., low yield, low quality, and no access to premium markets?


Solving the above multi-layer problem is, for a good reason, a global challenge.

Dream Valley’s concept is to SIMPLIFY things for ALL value chain stakeholders, including Farmers, technologies and service suppliers along the value chain, and traders/supermarkets.

How does Dream Valley SIMPLIFY things?

By taking complete E2E (End-To-End) responsibility for the entire process and value chain, production-to-consumer.

This enables each of the parties to focus only on his part – starting with the farmer growing the crop; the agrotech company to focus on its part – providing the best tech/service (an example packing house); the trader/supermarket to focus on buying and selling as much at the best price.

Dream Valley connects and overlooks all parties, enabling optimum cooperation and the best overall system results.

This attitude is intentionally designed as “easy to use” for the value chain users; farmers, tech/service providers, and traders/supermarkets.

However, its operation is sophisticated and complex. It contains several operations running in parallel and two integrating paths, ensuring the proper results are achieved.

The first operation aims to increase farmers’ yield and quality by making state-of-the-art technologies and services available and affordable to smallholders.

The second operation aims to supply buyers and supermarkets in premium markets with year-round, high-quality products according to their demands and best satisfaction.

Sounds complicated? It is.

But in reality, those two operating systems are transparent to users of the platform and consumers; farmers, tech/service providers, and buyers/supermarkets.

Dream Valley is VISIBLE, TRANSPARENT, and THE PIVOT of the whole operation, including technologies for farmers, produce to supermarkets, and money payments.

Dream Valley is THE ADDRESS for those who want to be part of fresh produce (starting with mangos) cultivation and marketing from smallholders to premium markets.

Dream Valley enables farmers and countries to double their income and export quickly, even within one year, e.g., Senegal’s mangos.

On top of this, Dream Valley markets eco-friendly produce and fights SDG #1 - Poverty, #2 - Hunger, and #3 -Good Health and Well-being.

Ease of use is everything to enable technology companies and service providers to reach farmers and for farmers to reach premium markets.

By comprising the entire value and supply chains under one roof, Dream Valley facilitates better Connection and Cooperation between parties, regardless of those being local or global.

This enables total control over the goods and money flow, assuring smallholders a path into the Prosperity Cycle, away from poverty.

Note that Dream Valley uses and brings to farmers many technologies and services which, without Dream Valley, as it is now, are unavailable and inaccessible to most farmers and smallholders.

Dream Valley cares, connects, and accelerates cooperation.


550 million farmers are living in 175 countries, growing tens of crops. Expectedly we will need many novel approaches and business models to help shift those smallholders from poverty to prosperity. Each model should be tailor-made to its purpose.

The new frontier of agriculture is innovative Business Models.

IBMA, The International Conference On Business Model In Agriculture, facilitates the demand for many more dedicated business models by increasing awareness of the need for innovative business models and continues by accelerating connections and international collaborations.

For those reasons, IBMA is a face-to-face event connecting stakeholders, decision-makers, investors, and others and facilitating cooperation and action. IBMA is designed to promote actions, not academic per se discussions, and this is how we measure ourselves.

Why do we need new business models?

Business models are the underlying tools enabling companies to operate and profit. Companies can connect and cooperate with other companies and organizations based on their business models.

What happens when parties sharing the same sector use inappropriate or unaligned business models?

In short, without properly aligned business models, companies can’t cooperate, or their cooperation is problematic and much less profitable.

The Dream Valley example shows how a novel business model enabled the connection of various parts of a system to work harmoniously and increase farmers' income and national export quickly.

That stand in contrast to the current situation in underdeveloped economies, where parts in the same sector, e.g., agriculture, operate incompatible business models, contradicting each other's goals, overall causing more harm than good.

The result is a system that doesn't work efficiently, like a car whose engine doesn't match the transmission and the last doesn’t match the wheels. The car can’t drive fast or efficiently this way.

In underdeveloped economies, the smallholders operate in a business model that does not allow connection and cooperation with high-quality value chain companies and premium markets.

The IBMA conference is the first and only place where leaders and stakeholders can connect, discuss those problems and solutions and establish cooperation links for action.


We have plenty of excellent technologies and hundreds of millions of poor smallholders.

Our challenge today is to make people care for each other so they can connect and cooperate.

Company vision, mission, goals, and Business models are the “language” organizations use to communicate and eventually make business and profit for the benefit of all involved.

Dream Valley views all parties, from farmers to consumers, as “involved.”

Going back to COP27, it will only succeed in reaching its goals and saving us from aggravating climate crises and a dark future if leaders/countries will Care, Connect, and Cooperate far better than they do now. When they do this, we all will benefit.

The same is valid with poverty, hunger, and smallholders. We must develop the proper tools to improve those Global Challenges (and others). Those tools are based on creating dedicated advanced business models.

This is why IBMA is critical to the future of Africa, Asia, and underdeveloped economies wherever they are.

Dream Valley is an excellent example of such an advanced, adaptable business model which cares, connects, and enhances cooperation for the benefit of all involved, directly and indirectly.

If you believe technology alone will save us from global warming and smallholders from poverty, you will have no interest in the IBMA conference or the Dream Valley marketplace platform.

But if you believe that it is people who make the change, with the help of technology, and if you are a decision-maker, stakeholder, or investor in the agro sector, then IBMA and Dream Valley are two activities you wish not to miss, the first to participate in, and the second to be part of.

Last Thursday, Dream Valley's first investors' presentation was officially open and welcoming investors, preferably those who Care, are Connected and are ready to Cooperate in underdeveloped economies.

Contact me to become an eligible investor in Dream Valley and join our journey.



Ø TECHNOLOGY without care leads to disasters.

Ø SOLVING global warming and poverty requires us to care more about each other, connect, and cooperate.

Ø NOVEL BUSINESS MODELS are needed to solve those global challenges.

If you enjoyed the article, please share it with three friends and colleagues.

*** Mental and Economic Freedom Are Interconnected. ***

See you soon,


Text me: +972-54-2523425 (WhatsApp), or e-mail


If you missed it, here is a link to last week's blog, "Israel ==> Africa ==> Investors To Create A Blue Ocean Model."


Please look at the video series “The Agricultural Gap." I explain the historical roots of the agricultural gap between African and Western countries with short videos.

I see this video series as "uncompleted," as I am waiting to gain more confidence before completing the chapters with The Solution, as I perceive it.

If you like it, don’t forget to share it with those who need to see it and Subscribe.

Change Begins With A Decision

That The Existing Reality Is A Choice

And Not A Decree of Fate

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