"It's never too late or little to do the right thing, and no excuse justifies doing nothing."
My daily routine starts with "morning tasks,” going through emails and messages and sharing posts on five social platforms. Then I go to the gym for up to one hour.
One of the mornings this week, as I completed my morning tasks, I noticed that only 20 minutes were left before the gym was to be closed.
A quick calculation: I understand that I will have a little more than 10 minutes left for training by the time I arrive. Should I bother myself and go for ten minutes?
Without delay, I went and practiced for ten minutes.
As the gym closed, one of the guys came up to me and said, "You are a role model."
I didn’t expect this. Why would anyone say such a thing to someone like me who doesn't spend much time in the gym, and is not in excellent shape, particularly today, as I arrived only minutes ago!?
Surprised, I raised my eyebrows and asked him, with a complete lack of understanding, "Role model, of what exactly!?”
He looked at me and said, "For many reasons, but for one, you come even if there is little time before closing.” Then, he shook my hand, said bye, and walked away.
Indeed, ten minutes is not the best nor optimum, but it is infinitely better than nothing.
What my friend noticed is an attitude I have practiced for years –
It's never too late or little to do the right thing, and no excuse justifies doing nothing.
Don't wait for "the perfect moment" that will never appear; do whatever you can whenever you can.
This attitude applies to all issues, big and small.
In recent columns, I discussed the successful Israeli agro-community organizations in the form of Kibbutz and Moshav.
That discussion is part of a wider one dealing with the role and impact of the community structure and organization on small-hold farmers’ ability to prosper and thrive.
REMEMBER, 100% of agro-communities in Israel began poor or with little means. Yet, they thrived, prospered, and became part of a world-leading agro sector within a few years.
The following are powerful instructions, proven highly effective in over 100 years – be cautious.

The subject seems to have aroused enormous interest as I received many enthusiastic responses, like the one below, asking for guidance about how they could apply those models to their communities.

If the subject of rural communities’ structure and organization excites you as it excites me, here are simple steps to move forward.
Step 1 – Act. Wait for no one! Remember the gym story; anything is better than doing nothing. A journey starts with a small first step.
Step 2 – Set goals. Firstly, ask yourself, “What is my ultimate goal? Is it limited to impact a certain community or to set a model and an example for others to follow?”
Step 3– Quick wins. Line up “achievable intermediate targets” and pursue those on your way to achieve “the ultimate goal."
Suppose you plan to launch a socio-economic entrepreneurial project on transforming rural communities.
In that case, you should not fear nor underestimate the task, its complexity, and its challenges. Just be realistic and, accordingly, set your targets and goals.
Here is my advice as to the first meaningful step –
LOCAL - For those wishing to impact a specific community.
Focus on preparing a complete plan you will design with the community members.
Design it based on small steps toward the goal set by the community!
REMEMBER - begin the execution only when the community agrees on the program’s goal and targets.
NATIONAL MODEL – For those wishing to present a model which will later be copy-paste to other communities (as was the case in Israel).
Know that by succeeding, you will bring prosperity to millions. However, if you fail, you risk that people will say this path is no good and refuse to experiment with it again.
So be prepared, leave no place for failure, and ensure success. Anything less than success would be a failure.
Aiming to present "A Successful Model," your target should be to create a detailed outline of the infrastructure required for such a project.
Among others, the infrastructure for such a national project will include –
· Public relations (PR): enlisting the support of leaders and decision-makers at all levels: national, regional, and agricultural communities.
· Secured budget (Finance): to finance all stages.
· Human Resource (HR): people - management and experts.
· Work plan: GANTT, activities, and targets.
To get a PDF document with the outline of a detailed plan, email me (or reply) to nisraely@biofeed.co.il - “From Poor Individuals To Thriving Cooperative Agro-Communities: Outline For A Transformation Plan.”
Feel free to add a few words describing your project.
To get a PDF document with the outline of a detailed plan, send me an email (or reply) to nisraely@biofeed.co.il “From Poor Individuals To Thriving Cooperative Agro-Communities: Outline For A Transformation Plan.”
Feel free to add a few words describing your project.
You don’t learn swimming by corresponding with the trainer, reading, or talking with someone who heard of it. The same applies when we wish to transform communities’ lifestyles.
Yes, a higher level of sharing and community result-oriented operational organization is the secret to prosperity among impoverished smallholder communities.
Yet, knowing this from first-hand experience, that of my parents, who established a Kibbutz, and myself taking part in establishing another one, is paramount when trying to apply the same concept elsewhere.
Though it may look easy, such transformation is more challenging than one can imagine.
Talking, explaining, teaching and theoretical presentations are needed and helpful.
However, you don't make such a transition using those tools but by practicing it with the community members and, even better, with the support of people who did it.
Hence, if your goal is to act hand in hand together with me to establish a working model in your country, you should think big (no, much bigger!!), and we will act to realize it.
Once you know what you want, you have a plan and potential financial resources, contact me, and the rest will follow.
Keep in mind – a thriving agro sector stands on three pillars:
(1) Ecosystems,
(2) Business Models, and
(3) Technologies/Services
We refer to the combined three pillars as The Agricultural Package.
By transforming a rural community from “individual-based” to “cooperation-based,” we redesign The Agricultural Package.
There is no reason for you to face those tremendous challenges alone. Like smallholders, your chances to succeed while working alone are low and increase when you cooperate.
Below are three ways to receive support, guidance, and in-field assistance for a community transformation project.
OPTION 1: To educate yourself, attend the 2024 International Conference On Business Models In Agriculture (IBMA 2024), where the 2024 theme is “From Solitary Poor Individuals To Organized-Prosperous Communities.”
OPTION 2: Regarding a (funded) national model project, you can contact me to work together.
OPTION 3: The Dream Valley Package model contains parts of the cooperating community model (Kibbutz style, tailor-made per case). It can be the first step in a long-term transition program we will build together.
* We do not wish to copy a lifestyle, e.g., Kibbutz or Moshav, but the PRINCIPLES that made it successful.
** It's never too late or little to do the right thing, and no excuse justifies doing nothing.
Ø ACT - it is better to do little and slowly than nothing.
Ø DEFINE WELL what you want; “a community transformation project” or “a national model,” and set your goals accordingly.
Ø SET YOURSELF up for success by organizing a "winning team" and a budget to match the goals.
If you enjoyed the article, please share it with friends and colleagues.
*** Mental and Economic Freedom Are Interconnected. ***
See you soon,

Dr. Nimrod Israely is the CEO and Founder of Dream Valley and Biofeed companies and the Chairman and Co-founder of the IBMA conference. +972-54-2523425 (WhatsApp), or email nisraely@biofeed.co.il
If you missed it, here is a link to last week's blog, How Farmers’ Cooperation Shaped The Israeli Agro Sector And How It Can Create Prosperity Among Smallholders.
Link to recent columns.
Dream Valley is a field-proven disruptive business model based on the successful Israeli model. Contact me if you view yourself as a potential investor, business partner, or client. Email, +972-542523425 (WhatsApp/Text)
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Change Begins With A Decision
That The Existing Reality Is A Choice
and Not A Decree of Fate