"For organization success, cooperation and integration are imperative, while disintegration will cause its failure."
The first part of this column is dedicated to recapping some of the more complicated messages presented in the previous column. It is followed by examples, giving real-life events and how the outcome of those are anticipated when using universal natural law.
THE CURRENT STATE PROBLEM: The agricultural sector in developing countries suffers from poverty and continuous backwardness that affects their economies. It forces us to introduce a fundamental change or continue paying the price of poverty.
PREDICTIONS: Advancing into the future hinges on our ability to predict outcomes confidently. This foresight can be achieved through three approaches:
1. Patterns ("Feeling Lucky" prediction): Identifying correlations between events, such as the link between advanced technologies and prosperous farmers.
2. Models (high probability prediction): Construct theories that elucidate fundamental processes and use them to develop predictive models. For instance, theories concerning plant development underpin irrigation models.
3. Universal Natural Laws (Certainty): These unchanging, orderly laws govern the natural world, offering predictions with complete assurance. For example, the second law of thermodynamics asserts that systems tend to transition from order to disorder, illustrated by leaves orderly on a tree, less so when falling, and even less as they decompose into the soil.
CURRENT RESULTS: In recent decades, numerous projects, backed by cumulative investments of tens of billions of dollars, have unfolded in developing countries.
However, these projects predominantly relied on the Pattern method for predicting outcomes, a method known for its low reliability.
Consequently, these projects yielded limited positive impact, leaving smallholders impoverished.
THE FORMULA FOR SUCCESS: Dr. Ichak Adizes's "law of Success" provides us with a tool to predict any organization's Success based on the straight forwarded formula: Success equals External Integration divided by Internal Disintegration.

Remember. This formula extends to smallholders, villages, Kibbutzim, Moshavim, cities, nations, companies, and essentially, any organization. To comprehend why an Israeli Kibbutz thrives compared to a typical African village, heed this formula.
While this column won't delve into the specifics of External Integration and Internal Disintegration, the forthcoming examples should offer an intuitive grasp of their meanings.
UNIVERSAL LAWS: The "law of success" finds its roots in a universal natural law — the second law of thermodynamics — bestowing it with unwavering predictive power.
The terms Integration and Disintegration, intertwined with the second law of thermodynamics, serve as Adizes's yardstick for measuring an organization's Success.
It's vital to note that neither the second law of thermodynamics nor Adizes's law of Success mandates technology as a prerequisite for Success; instead, technology serves as a tool to enhance Success, not create it."
In any social context, I refer to the second law of thermodynamics as “The law of Success”.
For our purpose, I chose examples that vividly present the power of the law of Success to construct or dismantle societies and organizations.
Each example is structured similarly: Part one examines the denominator, represented as Internal Disintegration, while part two explores the numerator, denoting the External Integration.
Quantifying Success: The vitality of an organization hinges on the ratio between the numerator and the denominator.
A ratio nearing one (1) signifies a thriving organization, while a declining ratio gravitating toward zero (0) denotes its deterioration.
Two Vital Sectors: Developing countries invariably encompass two prominent sectors - agricultural and governmental. The following exploration navigates these sectors, employing the law of Success to foretell triumphs and setbacks.
Risking Revelation: Diving deeper into the discourse, these examples spotlight my homeland and its pinnacle of Success - the Kibbutz, next to the recent catastrophe of October 7th, 2023, genocide orchestrated by Hamas, linked to Israel’s current government's actions.
Devoid of Politics: To maintain objectivity, all data presented derives from mainstream media sources. A political discourse is beyond the scope of this discussion.
Before delving into the remarkable internal integration of the Kibbutz and its unique mechanisms for minimizing disintegration, take a moment to reflect on a village in Africa or India.
Consider how the characteristics of Kibbutzim compare to the functioning of farming communities in other parts of the world.
The Kibbutz Mission: The Kibbutz set out to reclaim and cultivate the Jewish ancient homeland's soil and forge a new way of life.
DENOMINATOR: Internal Disintegration
The Kibbutz is underpinned by a distinctive decision-making model that effectively curbs Internal Disintegration.
It's not solely about collective ownership and communal living; it encompasses a decision-making framework that blends elements of democracy with a shared sense of responsibility.
Collective Ownership: At the core of the Kibbutz lies the principle of collective ownership, where members pool their resources, including land, machinery, and communal facilities. This shared ownership cultivates a robust sense of unity and mutual responsibility.
Communal Living: Kibbutz members reside in close-knit communities, sharing housing, food, and essential services collectively. The ethos of "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs" guides their way of life.
Shared Decision-Making: A key feature of the Kibbutz structure is its democratic approach to decision-making. Regular members' assemblies are held to discuss and vote on important matters.
Binding Decisions: What sets Kibbutzim apart is the binding nature of decisions made in the members' assembly. Even if some members oppose a decision, they are obligated to implement it. This unique model ensures that collectively made decisions are unwaveringly executed, fostering high levels of cohesion and shared responsibility.
NUMERATOR: External Integration
The Kibbutz Movement and Supporting Systems: The Kibbutz movement association plays a pivotal role in enhancing the External Integration of each Kibbutz.
Resource Sharing: Kibbutzim within the movement frequently share resources, be it equipment, knowledge, or labor. This optimizes resource utilization and nurtures a sense of unity.
Economic Resilience: The Kibbutz movement operates on the principle that when one Kibbutz faces challenges or crises, others provide support. This mutual assistance bolsters the financial resilience of the entire movement.
Social Bonds: Kibbutz members often maintain close social ties with their counterparts in other Kibbutzim within the movement. This network of social connections facilitates cultural exchange, knowledge transfer, and mutual support systems.
Shared Values: The Kibbutz movement unites around a common set of values, including social justice, equality, and a commitment to the land of Israel. These shared values bind the Kibbutzim together, nurturing a sense of belonging to a broader community.
In summary, Kibbutzim exemplifies integration principles, combining democratic decision-making with shared responsibility and commitment to execution, akin to a "dictatorship in execution." The Kibbutz movement extends beyond individual communities, underscoring the strength of collaboration, mutual support, and shared values as fundamental components of successful integration.
The Takeaway: Kibbutzim embodies an organizational concept purposefully designed to minimize Internal Disintegration and maximize External Integration. This clarifies why all Kibbutzim belong to the Israeli middle class and have achieved their mission, irrespective of when, where, or by whom they were established and the external conditions they confronted.
Below, we delve into the astounding efforts of the 2023 Israeli government to disintegrate Israel and its methods for amplifying discord.
Before you continue reading, please think of a leader you respect for unifying a nation, for it is the opposite of what you are about to read.
Prime Minister Netanyahu's stated mission and goals in December 2022 were to provide security, improve the economy, and advance the peace process for the Israeli people. Do you believe Netanyahu's government fulfilled these objectives?
DENOMINATOR: Internal Disintegration
Background: Except for a single year, Benjamin Netanyahu served as Israel's Prime Minister for the past 15 years.
However, his latest term began under the shadow of three charges that could lead to his imprisonment.
To evade this fate, Netanyahu and his government resorted to extreme measures, even at the risk of shifting Israel from a liberal democracy to an autocratic regime.
This involved appointing loyalists to key positions, such as a person convicted of terrorism as the Minister of Public Security, who oversees the police.
Furthermore, Netanyahu sought to manipulate the outcome of his trials, even to the extent of influencing the selection of judges, including for potential Supreme Court appeals.
The situation escalates to the point where you may find it beyond belief.
Netanyahu concluded that to consolidate his power, he must sow discord within Israeli society.
This was executed through a direct assault on Israel's power centers: the Supreme Court, the military, and the security services.
He labeled any opposition as traitorous, leftist, or anarchic, effectively casting the majority of Israelis, including those involved in technology, investment, business, banking, the military, farming, and media, as "traitors”.
His government also redirected funds away from organizations not aligned with his government, channeling billions to affiliated groups.
The repercussions were severe:
• Widespread loss of public support for the government.
• A 75% decrease in investments in Israeli startups.
• 90% of new tech companies opting to establish themselves outside of Israel.
• Individuals and businesses have relocated billions of dollars abroad.
• A 12% depreciation of the NIS.
• A downgrade of Israel's credit rating.
• A doubling of criminal homicides in Israel in 2023.
• Ongoing large-scale demonstrations against the government involving hundreds of thousands of Israelis.
• Tens of thousands of Israelis refusing further military service.
• The General Staff of the Army, which sought to brief Netanyahu on a looming threat of war, was rebuffed.
• Due to provocative actions by Israeli extremists with ties to the Ministry of Public Security, the army deployed 26 battalions in the Palestinian territories, leaving only three along the Gaza border.
Israel became a tumultuous place to reside, marked by escalating internal disintegration perpetuated by the government.
To compound matters, the Israeli government proved ineffective and out of touch with reality, especially on October 7th, the day of a tragic event in southern Israel.
What followed was a refusal by the Prime Minister and his ministers to accept responsibility, choosing instead to blame others, resulting in a profound loss of faith among the Israeli populace.
At present, 80% of Israelis believe Netanyahu bears responsibility for the genocide events of October 7th.
In summary, Netanyahu's intention to disintegrate Israeli society was successful, though the outcome proved to be miscalculated.

A newspaper headline (Maariv): “80% of the public: Netanyahu should accept responsibility for the failure.”
NUMERATOR: External Integration
Netanyahu's government lacked a coherent foreign policy, as its focus was entirely devoted to dismantling Israeli liberal democracy.
Consequently, the government's ministers lacked the expertise and insight to manage Israel's foreign relations.
This led to their pariah status in most Western democratic nations, including the United States. Concerning the Palestinian issue, Netanyahu's government, which included far-right extremists, actively sought to undermine the Palestinian Authority while inadvertently strengthening Hamas.
Astonishingly, the Israeli government was regularly delivering large sums of money to Hamas leaders.
The consequences of these actions were dire, with Israel's foreign relations hitting an all-time low in October 2023, reflecting a historic nadir in external integration.
In summary, these examples illustrate the dual applications of Integration and disintegration tools, capable of advancing or hindering the public's welfare.
The Kibbutz model's central mission revolves around minimizing internal disintegration, driven by the collective desire of its members to coexist harmoniously.
This recognizes that elevated disintegration would impede their shared objectives, akin to mathematical principles where altering the equation's outcome involves reducing the denominator, enhancing the numerator, or, ideally, diminishing the denominator while amplifying the numerator.
The Kibbutz model brilliantly achieves this by minimizing the denominator (Internal Disintegration) and optimizing the numerator (External Integration).
In stark contrast, an examination of Netanyahu's 2023 government reveals a calculated effort to sabotage any potential for Success. Netanyahu's government deliberately inflates the denominator by exacerbating Internal Disintegration while concurrently depleting the numerator through reductions in External Integration.
Hence, we employ an equation grounded in the second law of thermodynamics to eloquently elucidate the Kibbutz's foreseeable Success and the predictable failure of Netanyahu's 2023 government.
By embracing Adizes's mathematical law of Success, firmly rooted in the second law of thermodynamics, a universal principle, we accurately predicted that Netanyahu's government would precipitate a conflict, as Israel's adversaries perceived a weakened Israeli government as a window of opportunity for unimpeded aggression.
The purpose of discussing these examples was not to discuss the Kibbutz or the political situation in Israel but to show the unlimited ability to predict the results of our actions.
The time has come to harness universal laws when devising and executing large-scale agricultural projects, ensuring not just hopeful or tentative Success but absolute certainty.
The power to predict outcomes with precision mitigates business risks and safeguards increased profitability for agricultural initiatives.
This is what we have been waiting for for too many years.
To light a candle, bring light, and create your positive legacy, contact me to impact the agro sector in a developing economy. nisraely@biofeed.co.il WhatsApp +972-542523425
Universal natural laws offer certainty in predicting the outcome of actions. This enables us to invest safely in agro projects designed and executed under such laws and get certainty in what has seemed, till now, high-risk and uncertain projects.
For information about the recent events in southern Israel -
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*** Mental and Economic Freedom Are Interconnected. ***
See you soon,

Dr. Nimrod Israely is the CEO and Founder of Dream Valley and Biofeed companies and the Chairman and Co-founder of the IBMA conference. +972-54-2523425 (WhatsApp), or email nisraely@biofeed.co.il
If you missed it, here is a link to last week's blog, “From Patterns Perpetuating Poverty To Harnessing Universal Laws For Smallholders' Prosperity”.
Dream Valley is a field-proven disruptive business model based on the successful Israeli model.
To learn more and become a Dream Valley partner, contact me at nisraely@biofeed.co.il, +972-542523425 (WhatsApp/Text)
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That The Existing RealityIs A Choice
and Not A Decree of Fate